This post covers the possible questions from the NCERT curriculum. This post is for the class 12 students of the CBSE board who wants to study the CBSE English curriculum book Flamingo. This post covers the first chapter of the book Flamingo, The Last Lesson. It will cover most of the important questions to give a boost to the knowledge of the students. This post will include Flamingo, The last lesson summary in Hindi as well. We will try to cover Flamingo, The last lesson MCQ, as well so that students can have an easy time preparing for the exam.
Students who prefer Hindi for understanding can follow the blue colour.
NCERT Class 12 Flamingo Lost Spring

Flamingo The Last Lesson Paragraph 1 Explanation
I started ——————————————————hurried off to school.
The author is telling a story from his childhood. This is a story from 1870-1871 and at that time France was at war with Prussia and two districts of France were captured by Prussia already. The author as a kid was scared as he was already late for school and the main reason for his fear was M. Hamel who was his language teacher, and M. Hamel told the class that he will ask questions on participles. But the author didn’t know anything about the participles. Then, for a small amount of time, the author thought to bunk the class and spend the whole day outside. The day was warm and bright and the author can easily hear the sounds of the birds at the edge of the woods. He can see the Prussian soldiers were drilling in an open field at the back of the Sawmill. The author describes that the scene was much more interesting than the class of M. Hamel, but he has to go to the class and hence he gathered the courage to ignore such an interesting view and go back to school. |
यह कहानी लेखक के बचपन के समय से सम्बंधित है। यह कहानी 1870 से 1871 के बीच के समय की है और उस समय फ्रांस एंड रूस के बीच में युद्ध चल रहा था। फ्रांस के दो जिलों पर रूस ने अपना कब्ज़ा कर लिया था। लेखक अपने स्कूल के समय से लेट हो गया था और इसलिए वो थोड़ा डरा हुआ था लेकिन उसे ये बात और भी ज्यादा डरा रही थी की M. Hamel जो की फ्रेंच भाषा के टीचर है उन्होंने कहा था की वो आज Participles (ग्रामर) के ऊपर सवाल पूंछेंगे। लेकिन इस बच्चे को Participles के बारे में कुछ भी पता नहीं था। एक बार के लिए यह बच्चा (लेखक) ये सोचता है की क्लास ही न जाया जाए और पूरे दिन बाहर घूमा जाए। आज का दिन भी बहोत अच्छा था और इस बच्चे को चिड़ियों की आवाज सुनाई दे रही थी। कुछ ही दुरी पर एक खेत जो की Sawmill के पीछे है, वहाँ उसे Prussian सैनिक दिखायी दे रहे है और वो ड्रिल करे रहे है। इस बच्चे के अनुसार Participles के नियमो से और M. हमेल की क्लास से यह दृश्य बहोत ही अच्छा है। लेकिन हिम्मत करके उसे इस सब को नजरअंदाज करना पड़ेगा और वापस अपनी क्लास जाना पड़ेगा। |
Q. Who is the author of The Last Lesson?
A. Alphonse Daudet
Q. What is the nationality/country of Alphonse Daudet?
A. French/ citizen of France
Q. This story “The Last Lesson” belongs to which period?
A. This story belongs to the Franco-Prussian War period.
Q. Who won the Franco-Prussian war?
A. Prussia
Q. Who was leading Prussia at the time of war?
A. Bismarck
Q. Which other countries were also part of Prussia then?
A. Prussia had nations like Germany, Poland, and parts of Austria as its parts.
Q. According to the story, which two districts passed into Prussian hands?
A. Alsace and Lorraine
NCERT Class 12 Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 2
When I passed ————————————————————-out of breath.
There is a bulletin board next to the town hall where the news is written regularly and people used to come here to read the news. When the author finally made up his mind and was on his way to the school, when he passes by the town hall he notices a crowd in front of the bulletin board. The author describes that for the past two years things were not in their favour and they heard lots of bad news. As the bulletin board has only one purpose and that is to show the news. Most of the bad news from the past two years was written on this bulletin board. Lost battles, The Draft, Orders of the commanding officer were some of the news that they witnessed from the news bulletin board. The author kept walking towards the school and started thinking “What can be the matter now”, Why there is so much crowd. The author crossed the crowd fastly, as fast as he could and he noticed the blacksmith, the watcher, and his apprentice (helper who is also learning the skill) reading the bulletin. They called the author and said “don’t go so fast, bub: You will get to your school in plenty of time. This statement shows that the people were saddened by some news which the author still does not know. The author thought they are mocking him for being late for school and finally, he reached in front of M. Hamel’s little garden while he was breathing heavily. |
लेखक जहां रहता है वहाँ से स्कूल के रस्ते के बीच में एक बुलेटिन बोर्ड है जहाँ अक्सर ही न्यूज़ लिखी जाती और लोग वहाँ इक्कट्ठे होते है उस न्यूज़ को पढ़ने के लिए। जब लेखक ने अपना मन बना लिया और स्कूल की तरफ जाने लगा तब रिश्ते में टाउन हाल के पास ही बुलेटिन बोर्ड पर उसे लोगों की भीड़ दिखाई दी। लेखक बताता है की पिछले दो सालों में उन्होंने बहुत साड़ी बुरी खबरें सुनी है और ये बीते हुए दो साल उनके लिए काफी खराब थे। अब क्यूंकि न्यूज़ बुलेटिन बोर्ड का एक ही काम होता है न्यूज़ लिखना तो ज़्यदातर बुरी ख़बरें लोगों को सिर्फ इस बुलेटिन बोर्ड के माध्यम से ही मिलीं। हारी हुई जंगे, ड्राफ्ट , कमांडिंग अफसर के निर्देश आदि कुछ बुरी ख़बरें है जो इस बुलेटिन बोर्ड के माध्यम से उन्हें मिलीं। लेखक अभी भी स्कूल की तरफ चलना जारी रखता है और मन में यह सोचता है की ‘अब क्या हो गया। यहां इतनी भीड़ किस बात के लिए है’। ये बच्चा (लेखक) जल्दी भीड़ को क्रॉस करके आगे निकलता है और उसे वहीँ एक लोहार (Blacksmith), एक घडी वाला (Watcher) और उसका एक चेला (Apprentice) खबर के बोर्ड के पास दिखाई देते हैं। वे लेखक से कहते है ‘ इतनी तेज़ मत जाओ, तुम समय से स्कूल पहुँच ही जाओगे’। ये कमेंट लोगों के दुःख को व्यक्त करता है ऐसा लगता है की लोग किसी बात से दुखी है लेकिन इस बच्चे को अभी तक उसके बारे में कोई भी आईडिया नहीं है। बच्चे को लगता है की लोग उसका लेट हो जाने की वजह से मजाक बना रहे है लेकिन अंततः ये बच्चा M. Hamel के छोटे से बगीचे के सामने पहुँच जाता है और तेज चलने की वजह से हांफ रहा होता है। |
Flamingo Chapters The Last Lesson Para 3
Usually, ————————————————————-frightened I was
The author describes that usually when the school starts there is a lot of noise which can be easily heard in the streets. These noises include the sound made by the opening and closing of the desks, lesson being repeated by the students together, very loudly, students closing their ears with their hands and repeating the lessons loudly so that they can memorize the lessons, sound of the ruler smacking on the table by the teacher and other noises but today everything was quiet. Everything was calm and peaceful. Earlier the author thought that there will be a lot of noise and everyone will be busy and this will help him in reaching the class without being noticed by anyone. But today was as quiet as the Sunday morning when there is no one in the class. The author saw through the window that the students are already in the class and M. Hamel is walking into the class with his iron ruler under his arm. Now the author realized about his problem that he has to enter the class in front of everyone and this idea was terrifying him. |
लेखक बताता है की ज्यादातर जब भी स्कूल शुरू होता है तो बहोत सारी आवाज सुनाई देती है जिसे बाहर गली से भी सुना जा सकता है। यह आवाज़ ज्यादातर डेस्क को बच्चों के द्वारा खोलने और बंद करने की वजह से, बच्चों के अपने हाथ से कान बंद करने के बाद जोर जोर से पढ़ने की वजह से (जिससे उन्हें ज्यादातर चीजें याद रहे ) और मास्टर् के द्वारा अपने हाथ में लिया हुआ रूलर टेबल पर पटकने की वजह से हो रही होती है। लेकिन आज सब कुछ शांत था। इस बच्चे (लेखक) ने पहले सोचा था की चरों तरफ इतना शोर होगा तो वो इसका फायदा उठाकर जल्दी से अपनी डेस्क पर जा बैठेगा और किसी को पता भी नहीं चलेगा। लेकिन आज सब कुछ शांत तहत इतना शान्ति तो केवल sunday को होती थी जब कोई क्लास ही नहीं होती थी। इस बच्चे ने खिड़की से देखा की उसकी क्लास में उसके सहपाठी मौजूद है और M. Hamel क्लास के अंदर टहल रहे है अपनी बांह में अपना लोहे का रूलर दवाये हुए। अब लेखक को अपनी मुश्किल का अंदाजा हुआ की अब वो इस क्लास में कैसे घुसेगा जब सब कुछ इतना शांत है और सब उसे ही देखा रहे होंगे। उसे M. Hamel के गुस्से का भी अंदाजा था और यही बात उसे डरा रही थी। |
Class 12 English The Last Lesson Paragraph 4
But nothing happened —————————————————lying across the pages.
The author was estimating that he will be scolded or punished by M. Hamel for coming late to the class but nothing happened. When M. Hamel saw the author, he said very politely to the author ‘Go to your place quickly, little Franz. We were beginning without you.’ Teacher M. Hamel asked the author to sit on his seat and told him that they already started the lesson without him. The author sat on the desk really quickly and until then Franz didn’t notice anything because he was scared of being late. When the author calmed down from his fear then he noticed that his teacher M. Hamel was wearing a green colour coat, a frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap. The cap had embroidery on it and M. Hamel does not wear such clothes except on inspection or on prize days at school. Then the author realized that not only M. Hamel but the whole school was acting a little strange. The most surprising thing for the author was that the backbenches in his class which was used to be empty always. Those benches were filled with the village people, who were sitting quietly there just like students. The old Hauser from the village was sitting on that bench with a three-cornered hat, Former Mayor was also present along with the former postmaster and many other peoples were also there. Everyone was looking sad and old Hauser brought a canvas, which was very old, which can be easily observed by the worn-out edges. The Hauser held it open on his knees and his great spectacles were lying across the pages. |
लेखक को यह लगता है की आज उसे M. Hamel से डाँट सुननी पड़ेगी क्लास में लेट आने की वजह से लेकिन ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं हुआ। जब M. Hamel ने इस बच्चे को देखा तो उन्होंने बड़े ही विनम्रता से लेखक से कहा की जल्दी अपनी जगह पर बैठ जाओ little Franz हमने तुम्हारे बिना ही क्लास शुरू कर दी थी। लेखक अपनी जगह पर जाकर बैठ जाता है लेकिन अभी तक उसने किसी भी अन्य बात पर ध्यान नहीं दिया था क्यूंकि वह लेट हो जाने की वजह से डरा हुआ था। जब लेखक अपने दर से शांत होता है तब वो देखता है की उसके टीचर M. Hamel ने आज हरे रंग का कोट पहन रखा था साथ ही एक frilled शर्ट व ब्लैक सिल्क की एक कैप भी पहन रखी थी। कैप जिस पर की embroidery( कढ़ाई) की गयी थी। M. Hamel ऐसे कपडे काम ही पहना करते थे और जब पहनते थे तो या तो स्कूल inspection होता था या फिर प्राइज डे। तभी लेखक ( Little Franz ) ये अनिभव करता है कि केवल M. Hamel ही नहीं बल्कि पूरा स्कूल ही अलग वर्ताव कर रहा है। लेकिन सबसे चौकाने वाली बात जो लेखक को लगी वह ये की पीछे की बेंच जो की अक्सर ही खाली रकह करती थी आज वो भरी हुई है और उन पर गाँव के लोग बिलकुल छात्रों की तरह बैठे हुए थे। बूढ़ा Hauser ( घर बनाने वाला) अपनी तीन कोन की टोपी पहन कर बंध पर बैठा हुआ है। पुराने मेयर व पुराने पोस्टमॉस्टर भी कई अन्य लोगों के साथ वहाँ सीटों पर मौजूद है। सभी के चेहरे मायूस है और बूढा Hauser एक कैनवास लिया हुआ है जो की बहोत ही पुराना लगता है। उस कैनवास के कोने टूट चुके है उसे वह अपने घुटने पर खोल कर रख लेता है और अपने चश्मे के माध्यम से उसे देख रहा होता है। |
Flamingo The Last Lesson Paragraph 5
While I was——————————————————————————-the town hall!
The author was still wondering and trying to understand the situation of the classroom, M. Hamel adjusted his chair and he spoke in a very gentle tone, very similar to the one in which he spoke to little Franz and spoke “My children this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master comes tomorrow. This is your last French lesson. I want you to be attentive”. M. Hamel tried to clear the situation in front of everyone that this class is his last class. Since Alsace and Lorraine are captured by Prussian forces and now come under command of Berlin. So the order from Berlin arrived that in schools of Alsace and Lorraine french language will be replaced by German. So, M. Hamel told everyone that this is the last lesson of French and the new master of the German language will come tomorrow and will teach you, German. He asked everyone to be attentive. Now, these words were really shocking for the Author and now he started to realise why there was so much crowd at the town hall. Why people were asking him to go slow. |
लेखक अभी तक अपनी सोच में डूबा हुआ था और ये समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था की क्लास का माहौल ऐसा क्यों है। M. Hamel ने अपनी कुर्सी ठीक करते हुए बड़ी ही हलकी आवाज़ जैसी उन्होंने लिटिल Franz के लिए इस्तेमाल की थी उसमे कहा की ” मेरे बच्चों आज जो Lesson मई तुम्हे पढ़ाऊंगा वह मेरा आखिरी lesson होगा। बर्लिन से आदेश आया है की केवल जर्मन भाषा ही Alsace और Lorraine के स्कूलों में पढ़ाई जायेगी। जर्मन भाषा का नया मास्टर कल आएगा और ये फ्रेंच भाषा का आखिरी क्लॉस है। ये शब्द सुनकर लेखक को एक तेज़ झटका लगता है और अब उसे समझ आने लगता है की टाउन हॉल पर इतनी सारे लोग क्यों जमा हुए थे। किस वजह से लोग उसे धीरे जाने के लिए कह रहे थे। |
NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 6
My last French —————————————————————————cranky he was.
The author was shocked after hearing the statement made by M. Hamel. The author was wondering in his head My last lesson of the French language, Why. Little Franz was feeling really sorry because he don’t even know how to write fluently in French. He can’t learn the French language anymore as in his school it is about to be replaced by the German language and he has to stop here. He was feeling guilty for not learning his own language and missing lessons to see birds’ eggs or going for sliding on the Saar. He always felt that his books stops him from all the fun, they are so heavy to carry but now his lesson of grammar and his history of old saints will be gone adn he can’t do anything. He started thinking about M. Hamel as well. The thought that he will go away and will be replaced by some German teacher. He will not be able to see his teacher again. This thought was so powerful that he already forgot about his ruler, his beating and his cranky behaviour. |
Flamingo The Last Lesson Summary Para 7
Poor man! It was —————————————————————————was theirs no more.
Now the author understood the reason behind the clothing that he did today. It was his last lesson and that’s why he wore his best clothes for this class. Now the author also knows the reason why there are people from the village are sitting on the last benches. It was because they all were feeling sad about their language, it was their way to sorry that they had not gone to school more. It was also their way to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of faithful service and this presence was to show their respect for their language and their country which will be gone now. |
NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 8
While I was thinking ———————————————————————reproach ourselves with.
The author was deep into thought about the villagers and their respect for their language and that is when he heard his name being called. It was Franz’s turn to read the lesson in front of the class. The author says that he would have given anything to read his last chapter of the French language, he was thinking to read the lesson in front of everyone very loud and clear and without any mistakes. But he was unable to utter his first words and was standing there, holding his desk. He was so mixed up with emotions that he wasn’t able to speak any words, his heart was beating faster and he doesn’t have the courage to look upward adn read. M. Hamel understood the situation and said that he will not scold him, as you all are already feeling very bad. He then reminded everyone that how every one of us used to think that we have lots of time and we will learn this lesson tomorrow. But, see what tomorrow has brought for you. There will be no tomorrow for the French lessons. M. Hamel added that this is the big trouble with the Alsace that everyone delays their work for tomorrow. Everyone says that they will do this tomorrow, or learn tomorrow. He also said that the guys out there, with word out there he means guys from other countries will say that you pretend to be a Frenchman but you cannot speak or write your own language. How you can be a french person if you don’t know the language. He also said that you are still not very bad little Franz. It is a matter of great shame for all of us today that we do not know enough about our language, you are still a kid. |
Class 12 English NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 9
“Your parents were not ——————————————————————- give you a holiday?”
No doubt M. Hamel was sad at this moment. He started speaking about the different things that he observed and things that people did. He said that your parents were interested in your studies instead they prefer to send you to work on a farm or to work at a mill so that you can earn something. That’s not all, it’s my fault as well because many times I have sent you to water my flowers instead of asking you to study. Many times, when I wanted to go fishing, I gave you a holiday. It’s not just your fault little Franz, it’s the fault of all of us combined. |
Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 10 NCERT English
Then, from one thing —————————————————————-heads at one stroke.
M. Hamel was sad and was talking about different things. He started saying that the French Language is the most beautiful language in the world. According to him, it is the most logical and clearest language that we should guard among us and should never forget. When people lose their independence as long as they are attached to their language and culture their is always hope. Then he opened a grammar chapter adn started reading to the class. Before today whenever M. Hamel taught anything little Franz never understood much but today he was so focused in the class that he was able to understand everything M. Hamel was teaching and the lesson was looking very easy today. Little Franz admitted that he never listened to his lesson soc carefully as well as M. Hamel never explained everything with so much patience. The author was saying M. Hamel was trying to teach everything he knew to everyone in the class before leaving us. |
NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 11
After the grammar——————————————————————even the pigeons?”
After taking the grammar lesson, M. Hamel started a lesson in writing. This day M. Hamel brought new copies for everyone and on the cover page of these copies, a few words were handwritten. These few words were France, Alsace. When these copies were distributed in the classroom, the author describe this scene as there were flags floating hung from the rod at the top of the class desk. The author describes that everyone was so involved in the class and everything was so silent today. He said that it is so silent in the class that you can hear the noise of pens scratching over the paper. At one point in time, some beetles flew into the class but no one paid any attention to them as everyone was so devoted to their last lesson but the author was paying attention. The author says that the pigeons were cooing on the roof in a very low tone and a thought occurred to the author that as they are being forced to learn German, Will the pigeon will be forced to sing in German as well. |
English Book Flamingo The Last Lesson Para 12
Whenever I looked up ————————————————————- country next day.
The author describes that he was also busy in writing but whenever he looked up from his writing, he can see M. Hamel sitting motionless very quietly and looking at one thing and then looking to another. The author describes that M. Hamel was looking in such a way that everything that he is seeing today, he wants to capture in his brain so that he can remember how things were in his small classroom where he spend so much of his time and keep these memories alive for a really long time. M. Hamel was teaching in this class for the last forty years, on the side of his class he had a small flower garden which he used to water and take care of. The desks and benches are now smooth because of the sitting of people. The walnut trees that were planted are taller now and the hop vine that he planted himself is now twined on the windows and went till the roof. the author describes that it will be almost a heartbreak for him to leave this lovely place which adn everything will be left behind. Her sister in the room above this class was packing their trunks(boxes) as they have to leave by tomorrow morning |
Class 12 English NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson
But he had the courage ——————————————————————-that last lesson.
The author describes that M. Hamel did not leave after his class but stayed to hear every lesson of today, After writing, they had a lesson in history and then the babies chanted their ba, be, bi, bo, bu. At the back of the classroom, the old Hauser who was wearing his glasses and holding his primer with both hands was also spelling the letter with the babies. The author can see that the old Hauser was crying, his voice was trembled due to crying and chanting together. The author describes that it was funny to watch him that way but we all were emotional. The author remembers how he remembered every detail of his last lesson. |
Class 12 NCERT Flamingo The Last Lesson
All at once ———————————————————————————you may go.
Now the time is 12 as shown by the church clock. At the same time, they heard trumpets being blown below their windows from the Prussians who were returning from their drill. M. Hamel understood now it is time to go and he stood up from his chair and his face was looking pale. The author describes him as he was looking taller today. He stood up and started to speak ” My Friends I- I-” were the only words that come out of his mouth. He wanted to speak but the emotions were stopping her voice adn he could not say anything more. Then M. Hamel turned towards the blackboard and took a piece of chalk adn with all his courage he started to write on the blackboard and he wrote as big as he could. The words that he wrote were “Vive La France!” which means “Long Live France”. It is a patriotic warcry very similar to Indian “Hindustan Jindabad”. After writing those words he couldn’t write any more and stopped. He was so emotional at this moment that he leaned his head on the wall as he is very sad or crying and he didn’t say anything. But made a gesture with his hands to go. He made a hand gesture which means “Class is dismissed” and everyone can leave. |
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